Serving Waterloo-Oxford Region
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario strives to meet the needs of its staff members, volunteers and customers with disabilities and is working hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.
Our organization is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This accessibility plan outlines the steps Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario is taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
Our plan shows how Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will play its role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.
Past Achievements and Future Achievements to Remove and Prevent Barriers
This document includes a summary of the accessibility initiatives Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has completed and will complete in the future.
Customer Service
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods and services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has developed and implemented an Accessible Customer Service Policy specific to the organization. This policy is updated and maintained by the HR department (ongoing).
- Training will be moving to an online format and will be delivered to all current staff and volunteers. All new staff and volunteers are required to participate in and complete an online Customer Service Training during their orientation with the organization. Record of completed training is retained by the organization’s HR server. (Beginning Fall 2021)
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has developed and made public a process for receiving and responding to feedback from customers with disabilities. The feedback process is inclusive of multiple means by which feedback can be received, including by phone, in-person, by E-mail and by written correspondence. Staff members have been informed of and trained on
the company’s feedback process. (ongoing)
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has developed and made public a process for receiving and responding to feedback from customers with disabilities. The feedback process is inclusive of multiple means by which feedback can be received, including by phone, in-person, by E-mail and by written correspondence. Staff members have been informed of and trained on
Information and Communications
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities.
General Requirements
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has created and made public a statement of commitment. The statement of commitment is located on the organization’s website and in the reception area of our office. (to be posted on our website and in our reception Fall 2021)
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario’s policies and procedures have been reviewed to identify current and future barriers to accessibility. Identified barriers have been addressed and policies amended. The Accommodation Policy has been provided to all staff members and will be provided to all new hires as part of their orientation package. (Policies to be reviewed by our Board Fall 2021)
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
- All applicable IASR requirements have been reviewed to develop a living Accessibility Plan. The Accessibility Plan has been created to include training, procedures and policy development to ensure the identification and removal of barriers. (ongoing)
- Requests for accessible formats of this document will be forwarded to the HR Director who will work with the individual to determine the most suitable format. (ongoing)
- This plan will be amended as required and will be reviewed fully by Fall 2021 and every five (5) years thereafter.
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities.
- Training for new staff members and volunteers will be delivered via an online training module covering all applicable content as required under the IASR:
- Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation and the Human Rights Code
- Customer Service Standards
- Training for new staff members and volunteers will be delivered via an online training module covering all applicable content as required under the IASR:
- All current employees and volunteers will complete this training being overseen by Human Resources. ( December 2021)
- All new employees and volunteers (including contract and unpaid positions) will be required to complete the above training as part of their orientation with the organization. Record of completed training will be retained in the staff person or volunteer’s file. (ongoing)
Accessible Websites and Web Content
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario’s public website and its content meet all requirements under the WCAG 2.0 level A. (January 2022)
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario’s IT consultant is fully aware of WCAG requirements and will ensure all new content and/or any substantial refreshes to the site conform to established guidelines. (Spring 2021)
- A process for receiving and responding to accessible feedback requests has been developed and communicated to all staff members. Currently Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario can facilitate requests via the phone, E-mail and mail. (ongoing)
- Receiving and responding to feedback will be included in all new hire orientations where the position frequently receives and responds to requests. (ongoing)
- All other staff members will be notified as to the internal party to whom they should direct any accessible feedback requests. (ongoing)
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
Workplace Emergency Response Information
- Recognizing that most disabilities are invisible or episodic and therefore not readily apparent, the Emergency Information Form has been created to allow staff members to identify emergency planning requirements. Emergency planning information and directions are also included in the Accommodation Policy which has been provided and communicated to all current employees and provided to all new hires as a part of their orientation package. (Fall 2021)
- The process for providing emergency information includes alternative formats and will be completed in a timely manner upon receipt of the request or becoming aware of the need for an individualized plan. (Fall 2021)
- The process/policy used by the HR department to develop an individualized emergency response plan includes the requirement that consent is obtained from the requesting staff member to disclose the contents of the plan to the individual required to provide assistance when responding to the emergency or evacuation. The process for obtaining consent also includes obtaining the acknowledgement of the staff member designated to provide the assistance that the confidentiality of the individualized plan will be maintained, unless the health and safety of either party is potentially compromised. (Fall 2021)
- Individualized emergency plans include the requirement that the plan be reviewed:
- If the employee moves to another location within the office that would affect that person’s ability to respond to the emergency or evacuation (the ability of the individual designated to provide assistance, where needed, will also be considered);
- On a recurring timeline, to be established during the creation of the individualized emergency response plan. Factors that are taken into consideration when developing the recurring timeline (i.e. once every six (6) months, annually, etc.) include the nature and severity of the disability as well as its classification of permanent or temporary. A review of the plan will also be initiated if requested by the employee; and
- When the company amends its emergency response and/or evacuation procedures.
- Individualized emergency plans include the requirement that the plan be reviewed:
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans (January 2022)
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will develop and implement a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. As per IASR requirements, the plan will include the following elements:
- The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the accommodation plan;
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will endeavour to ensure the employee is able to actively participate in the development of the accommodation plan. Limitations will be identified and clearly communicated to the employee prior to the development of the plan.
- The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the accommodation plan;
- The means by which the staff member is assessed on an individual basis.
- The manner in which Youth Unlimited YFC can request the participation of a representative from the organization in the development of the accommodation plan.
- The steps that will be taken to protect the privacy of the staff person’s personal information;
- The content of the accommodation plan will be restricted to only those required to facilitate the plan or supervise the staff member. The accommodation plan will include a section identifying the individuals that will have knowledge of the plan and will require each person to sign an acknowledgement of the confidentiality of its contents.
- The steps that will be taken to protect the privacy of the staff person’s personal information;
- The frequency with which the individual accommodation plan will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done.
- An outline of how the reasons for a denial of an accommodation will be communicated to the requesting employee;
- Staff members will be informed of the factors that will be taken into consideration by the company when a request for accommodation is received as well as employer and employee expectations and responsibilities.
- An outline of how the reasons for a denial of an accommodation will be communicated to the requesting employee;
- The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the staff member’s accessibility needs due to a disability;
- Accommodation plan documents will be made available in accessible formats.
- The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the staff member’s accessibility needs due to a disability;
- The accommodation plan template will include a section regarding the provision of accessible formats and communication supports to be completed in the event that such supports are required by the staff member.
- The accommodation plan will also include an emergency response/evacuation plan if required by the staff member.
- The accommodation plan will be created to include a section outlining additional accommodations that are required.
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will develop and implement a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. As per IASR requirements, the plan will include the following elements:
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario has an accessibility statement posted in each job posting notifying applicants that reasonable accommodations will be made upon request to ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in our recruitment efforts. As not all applicants apply through our job postings, this statement will also be included during the pre-interview. (ongoing)
- Successful applicants will be informed of the availability of accommodations relating to Youth Unlimited YFC’s’ intake processes upon initial contact from the hiring manager or HR Director;
- All assessment methods utilized by the company will be reviewed and alternates developed to facilitate accessibility requests;
- When updating or amending intake methods, an assessment will be conducted to identify potential barriers and alternative/accessible formats will be developed; and
- Any accommodation request pertaining to the organization’s intake methods that cannot be met with current alternate formats will be forwarded to the HR Director who will work with the individual to develop an acceptable alternative. (ongoing)
- Successful applicants will be informed of the availability of accommodations relating to Youth Unlimited YFC’s’ intake processes upon initial contact from the hiring manager or HR Director;
- Our Accommodation Policy will be provided to all new hires as part of their orientation package. This policy includes all of the means by which Youth Unlimited Southwestern Ontario will support employees with disabilities; also included are emergency planning/responses, accessible formats and communication supports, and the availability of accessible performance management, career development and job change processes. Alternative formats of the policy will be made available upon request. (ongoing)
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees
- The availability of accessible formats and communication supports has been communicated to all staff members through the organization’s Accommodation Policy. All future staff members will be made aware of their availability through the same policy which is provided with the new hire orientation package. Staff members requiring accessible formats or communication supports will be requested to notify the HR department so that alternate arrangements may be made. (Fall 2021)
- Upon receiving a request, the HR department will work with the staff member and any individuals responsible for providing the information (for example the supervisor or team lead) to deliver a suitable accessible format or communication support. Prior to involving the staff member’s supervisor, consent will be obtained from the staff member. (ongoing)
Information for Employees
- Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario’s Accommodation Policy has been developed. The policy will be reviewed by staff members annually and signed off for compliance. (ongoing)
- Provide all new hires with the Accommodation Policy in their new hire package. The policy addresses all of the means by which Youth Unlimited YFC will support staff members with disabilities, including emergency planning/responses, accessible formats and communication supports as well as accessible performance management, career development and job change processes.
- Provide all new hires with the Accommodation Policy in their new hire package. The policy addresses all of the means by which Youth Unlimited YFC will support staff members with disabilities, including emergency planning/responses, accessible formats and communication supports as well as accessible performance management, career development and job change processes.
- Ensure that all employees are informed of changes to the Accommodation Policy as they occur. Changes will be communicated via E-mail and/or group information sessions. (ongoing)
Processes to Accommodate Employees/Return to Work Process
- Assess IASR requirements and develop an accommodation form and a return to work form that both address all applicable requirements. Use of these updated forms will ensure that all accommodation and Return to Work plans are properly recorded and retained on file. For consistency, the accommodation plan template will be used in conjunction with Return to Work processes. (January 2022)
Accessible Performance Management, Career Development and Job Changes
- Evaluate Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario’s current performance management and career development processes to identify barriers. Develop processes to ensure that such functions are completely accessible. The Accommodation Policy will identify/outline accessible performance management and career progression to ensure consistent and clear communication to all employees.
Design of Public Spaces
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will meet accessibility laws when building or making major changes to public spaces.
We will meet accessibility laws when building or making major changes to public spaces. Public spaces include:
- Outdoor paths of travel, like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, curb ramps, rest areas and accessible pedestrian signals
- Accessible off-street parking
- Accessible on-street parking
- Service-related elements like service counters, fixed queuing lines and waiting areas
We will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to our accessible parts of our public spaces. (ongoing as renovations or new buildings are started).
Youth Unlimited YFC Southwestern Ontario will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to the accessible parts of our public spaces.
For More Information
For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact the Human Resource Director at:
Standard and accessible formats of this document are free on request